Free form with the leftover supplies |
In honor of that, and other Oregon Trail studies this week, we made "Dried Apple Dumplings" from Oregon Trail Cooking.
Ready to boil/reconstitute.... |
Finished product. Definitely edible. And we agreed that after a couple months of trail cooking it would be absolutely delicious! |
We finished up the exercises for this week's Latin and Vocabulary units and then decided that the late October sunshine looked too good to pass up, so we walked to a park downtown to gather some leaves for what has become an annual tradition of tracing leaves onto construction paper or making rubbings, cutting them out and taping them in the front window.
To sneak in a little bit of geography, Kayla signed up for in September. She sent out her first five postcards to people in Washington, Wisconsin, Georgia and the Netherlands (2) over the course of the last month. Yesterday's mail finally held the payoff~her first postcard received! From St. Petersburg, Russia!
There really isn't any good way to turn Linear-Equations into "fun" but we had some review problems at the end of the chapter she needed to get through, so we packed up our bags and headed back downtown to the coffee shop. Sitting on a comfy couch, sipping an orange italian soda at least made Algebra look like fun.
We also read a couple more pages in the story we are working on in Spanish. We make flash cards as she encounters unfamiliar words, but she is definitely running across more full sentences she can understand with what she knows (and using those take a guess based on context skills).
It turns out neither of us loves history (sorry Aunt Didi)
And science experiments are fun, but theory and formulas are not (sorry Aunt Mary)
But apparently we really enjoy languages! In addition to Latin and Spanish (and the Latin/Greek based vocabulary program and Grammar) we are now working on Greek as well. The first couple weeks the main outcome was being able to identify the frat houses as we drove through Corvallis (which is a valuable life skill on its own!), but this week we've been working on sounding out actual words written with the Greek alphabet and have a small stack of Greek words that she can read and know what they mean!
Kayla has decided to be part of the NaNoWriMo adventure this November so she spent the last of our coffee shop time brainstorming characters and plot ideas. (She has been taking suggestions from everyone she runs into~so far ideas include: a basilisk named Fluffy, flying ferrets, evil twins, love, princesses, hole in the sidewalk leading to another world and many other crazy ideas! Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments as obviously nothing is too bizarre to consider!)
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, as our days seem to fly by, packed with so many things to do and so much more we would love to be doing, but we thought you might enjoy a peek at today's Friday Fun!
Wow! this looks great!
Don't forget to have a goat in your novel! And it is okay if you don't love history, you just have to learn enough to justify plane tickets to DC in the spring (I'm only in it for the field trip!) And thanks for lunch!
"And science experiments are fun, but theory and formulas are not" Rest assured, many of us scientists with Post-holeDigger degrees fully agree with you there. And languages, yes! Kayla, you can become a polyglot! (look that up with your Greek roots). Looks like all kinds of fun. :)
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