Wednesday, March 9, 2011


           Hi! Sorry I haven't updated the blog lately, I have been pretty busy. One of the things I did last week was that I headed to the art museum. My mom and I spent about three hours there wandering in circles. The featured exhibit is art by Chris Jordan, who is an amazing artist! But I couldn't help but wonder what is art? I asked some of my friends and got a lot of completely different answers. One said that it is pretty man made stuff, another that it is in the eye of the beholder, the third that it was an expression, and lastly that it was something you couldn't define, but you know it when you see it. All of these answers cover some of the things that I think are art, but none of them like they are the perfect answer. I would love to know what you think "art" is! Feel free to leave a comment, or send me a message! I would love to get a lot of answers!

Love,    K. M. B.

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